Welcome to Choice and Medication SA HEALTH
The purpose of this website is to provide consumers, carers, families and staff of SA Health with information about psychotropic medicines, which are used to treat mental illnesses.
SA Health recognises the importance of partnering with consumers in decisions about medications and ensuring consumers, their carers and families have access to reliable and easy to understand information.
The Choice and Medication© website is an up-to-date, informative and easy to navigate web portal, licensed to SA Health for use by SA Health staff and health consumers.
The resources are available in a range of languages, font sizes and styles. The different leaflet styles or types available are explained below:
BILL - Brief Information Leaflets
One page, 10 -11 questions and answers (Q&As), font size 11.5pt
BILL-XL - Extra Large print
Information in extra-large print, aimed at older people, font size 16pt
PILL - Patient Information Leaflets
Two page, 16 -17 Q&As. font size 10.5pt
QuILL - Information leaflets for younger people
These leaflets are easier on the eye, two pages, 9 Q&As, font size 10.5pt
VERA - Very Easy-Read Leaflets
These leaflets are very easy to read, 2-3 pages, font size 14-16pt, minimal words
This information should be used to facilitate discussion between consumers, their carers, families, doctors and other clinicians. These resources do not replace the approved product Consumer Medicine Information (CMI) leaflets but are a tool to be used in conjunction with these, to ensure high-quality consumer care.
For Feedback or Questions:
To provide feedback about this site or about the medication information provided, please fill out the online survey provided in the subsequent webpages. This information is shared with Choice and Medication to facilitate continuous improvement of the information provided.
Alternatively, feedback or questions can be directed to the contact below:
Advanced Nurse Consultant - MH GP Shared Care E: healthocp@sa.gov.au
For Further Information:
The SA Pharmacy Medicines Information service is available to provide clinical advice relating to the use of prescription or over-the-counter medicines. Our pharmacists provide advice about medicines in adults, children, pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Telephone: (08) 8161 7555 (weekdays, 9am – 5pm)
Email: medinfo@sa.gov.au
Clinicians should also consider the availability of medicines on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme and on the South Australian medicines formulary.
Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme:
South Australian Medicines Formulary: